Our Story
At the age of 16, Richard Rubenstein had aspirations of one day owning his own hair salon. His journey began as an apprentice working at a well-known and popular hair salon, City Slickers in Baldwin. “I walked into the salon naïve and nervous and was fortunate enough to meet a man that not only the coolest person I had ever met but the friendliest”, states Rubenstein. That gentleman was Michael LoPalo, owner of the salon. Michael’s coming of age in London during the ‘60s made him one of the first fashion forward entities in the New York beauty scene. “It was Michael”, says Rubenstein, “who gave me knowledge, work ethic and, most importantly, the passion needed to eventually fulfill my ultimate dream”.
Michael’s son, Salvatore, also had dreams. “As long as I can remember, my father was always ahead of the fashion curve. His dress, his speech, his overall sense of style was unique to what most Long Islanders were accustomed to. But of all his qualities, the one that stood out the most was his ability to embrace the human spirit. While a sense of fashion and trends are important, it was my appreciation of the diversity in people that inspired me to one day own my own salon”, says Salvatore.
The qualities taught to Richard and Salvatore in their youth, combined with a wealth of knowledge cultivated by their mentor Michael, is what inevitably led to the vision they now call BanGz. “We have always loved the diversity and intelligence of the Bellmore community. They are in tune with many of today’s fashion trends and provide the ultimate inspiration to stay on top one one’s game. We opened BanGz with the intent of providing a friendly atmosphere where everyone who enters feels welcome and comfortable. We spared no expense in designing a unique and inviting space whose motto will always remain AFFORDABLE EXCELLENCE. Becoming beautiful should be a pleasure, not a burden”, says Richard and Salvatore.
At BanGz, we provide a cost-effective way to maximize one’s attainable beauty.